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Almy Group LLC

Digital, AI, Quantum, Web 3, Blockchain


Board level strategy support and fractional executive management for Digital Transformation, AI Adoption, Quantum Computing Readiness, and Web 3 / Blockchain opportunities

Board Level Strategy

Digital, AI, Quantum, Web 3, and Blockchain each pose unique opportunities and risks for management teams and their boards.  Assess readiness, clarify the optimal use and risk mitigation related to each of the trends and drive clear strategic allocation of resources.

Operating and Digital Excellence

Our partners can operate in a fractional role or as interim leadership to accelerate an operational or tech initiative


A strong business and technology thesis allows for clarity of prioritization.  Greater visibility into the business yields better decision making, agility, and focus on the highest value activities.  Tech is a powerful accelerant when it's able to be managed, and a massive risk when it is not.  We dive deep and translate the details into business business results.

How It Works

Initial DIscussion

Submit an inquiry to set up time to review the business need

Determine Target Impact

Establish a shared understanding of the business challenges, objectives, and desired results to achieve

Execute and Measure

Once the engagement has kicked off, our teams work with you to develop the strategy, execute as needed, and measure to communicate results


Tailored solutions and services to execute and measure results

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